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Stephanie Kord Miller
Small/med product “try before you buy”
Strategic planning
Org structure
Roadmap - get the shared vision to paper for next 12 mo
Go to market
Where do we want to target
Drive volunteer-ship
Who do we hire?
Where to go?
Revenue Strategy
Fundraising is a piece
Eddie - this is what kills us/drives back
First steps/project ideas
How do we get money?
Use Kristin’s agency
What do you do when you aren’t a 501c3?
How much is needed?
Initial thought
20k/mo for 2x ppl
10k/mo for data bounties
Challenges w/ waiting on IRS
There is a space to cross when waiting for non-profit status to get…what can we do in the interim
Holding up progress get tech licenses (need official status)
@skm: have we checked partnering with other 501(c)3 to provide resources?
We were concerned about signing up for something we didn’t understand
@skm Who would be the right partners?
Cliff notes on past work
Formalizing how we interface with the community
2-sided market: data miners (scrapers), data users (researchers)
Decentralized nature of work is part of the work
People show up for a few weeks and then drop off--how do we harness?
Petrean or lots of small dollar donations
Identify the audiences you are serving
Engineers/technologists = volunteer workforce
How do we grow, engage, entertain
Grow our volunteer to speed product roadmap velocity
Journalists/research/foundation = Consumers
What does partnership look like?
How do we monetize (we need to make money--people are doing it)?
Corporate sponsorship? PR benefits, data access
How much do you get for free?
Allow people to pay for a build/state of data?
University relationships w/CS departments
Build amplification, awareness, audience
Fundraising is the fastest revenue - understanding this is important for our audience and our brand
Concern is over making a strong foundation to build on
We need to be ready for people to show up
Want to move fast to get toward foundation
Next steps
Spend 2 days
Want’s to consider fundraising questions vs larger revenue model
Does the investment look/feel right?
Ben Email Address
Official email for legitimacy when applying for grants
Granted by Josh Lintag