2020-12-09 Leadership Cadence Notes


02 Dec 2020



  • Talk about shopping list on tech products

  • Update on our incorporation and 501c3 filing

  • Identify new tasks associated with operating our entity

Discussion topics





  • Working out the details around receiving donations for being incorporated in Delaware

  • We have an entity number for tax purposes

  • Optimistically we’d be ready to start accepting donations, more realistically it’ll be a couple of weeks from now

  • 501c3 status may take 6 months to a year but we can backdate funds received

  • Entity tied intimately to Eddie (social and address) currently

Shopping list

  • Google Apps/Suite, Atlassian products, AWS

  • We want to make projected budget last 6 months to a year

  • Employ personnel to be held accountable for the work

  • Process around how we receive/disperse funds

    • Tooling?

    • It’s important to delegate financial accounting to a third party to figure our financials out (i.e. Paypal, Venmo, etc)

  • Accounting software

  • Once funding comes in, no personal accounts related to PDAP full stop

    • In-use accounts need to be inventoried and accounted for

  • Centralized password/account management

  • Domain name(s)

    • Finalize domain

    • Consider other endings

Public facing Splunk

  • Need to follow up with Splunk reps


  • Need to make a decision on domain

  • We can redeploy the website on a pdap specific AWS account

Hype engine

  • Identify what things we’ll need to have in order to embrace massive flow of volunteers again

    • Scrapers

    • Website

    • Infrastructure/database

    • Processes for each bucket of folks

    • Documentation

  • How do we push back against outside pressure

    • Vendors

    • Bad actors

  • How do we engage and maintain engagement with volunteers

OIBRS | NIBRS discrepancies

  • Tech difficulties around MS Access DB

  • NIBRS substantially lacking OIBRS information during initial reconciliation process

Action items
