2020-12-16 Leadership Cadence


16 Dec 2020



  • Come up with plan of action for determining our liability for volunteers

Discussion topics




Legal form for volunteers

  • Will need to formalize a part of the onboarding process

  • Worth running it past A&P, but doesn’t need to run through them

  • Probably won’t want anything boiler plate (our needs are pretty specific)


  • Eddie working on setting up bank account

  • Telling people that donations aren’t currently to nonprofit, but full expectation is there

  • Once 501c3 is granted, benefits are dated back to the filing date

Digital Ocean

  • Working through application

  • Might have a significant chunk of hosting costs covered

Working Session

  • Technical-oriented Tuesday cadence will be replaced by a Saturday working session

Currently 3pm PT on Saturday

Shopping List

  • Working on finalizing estimated costs for various tools

Video Call Notetaking Bot

  • Looking into a transcription bot

  • Fireflies, Perfect Recall

  • Looks like we can probably get away with Freemium for now

Opportunity to formally restructure org

  • Might discourage people from applying their skills if they think that someone with a formal title is more qualified than them

  • Some sort of the decision chain of command is generally positive

  • Especially without paid staff, a fairly flat structure might be worthwhile

  • More accountability? Ownership of your “work”

  • Are we in fact organizers? We aren’t full professionals, brainiacs, etc.

  • Does a formal structure actually improve volunteer longevity?


  • Benefits of adding people into our org?

    • Protects people from liability of using personal email etc. for PDAP activity

    • Cleaner access to Drive, Calendar, etc.

      • Being in the same Google Org makes it much more streamlined to distribute access

Can set up a Google Voice number to avoid giving out your personal number

Re-energizing PDAP

  • Kristin interested in rallying the the troops, in mass, once we get $$$ in the bank

  • Are we actually ready to get people excited again?

  • Alec: Would like to have a better control over website, storage infrastructure

  • Josh: We need docs for the 4 “always open” tasks first.

Action items


  • Adding Project Leadership to Google Workspace

  • Use PDAP emails for external communication and other assets (Slack account, e.g.)

  • Test out Fireflies on Saturday

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