2021-02-10 Leadership Cadence Notes


10 Feb 2021



  • Chugging along infra

  • Scraper hub info

Discussion topics




Registered Agent

  • Still pending some paperwork on Rob Brand’s end

    • Rob is waiting on …

Trademark logos

  • Still pending on Paul, Eddie to follow up

Fundraising on website + finances

  • Add additional account holders to Paypal account

  • Haven’t gotten responses from Kristin nor initial donor

  • Will be working with garnering some donations

    • DANA

    • Get resources from contacts, LinkedIn

    • Non-profits that help other non-profits

    • Grants

  • As soon as we get non-profit status, donations tax-deductibility can potentially be backfilled. Need additional research to look into the details

    • Paypal can autogenerate receipts

Website copy

  • Working through copy

Infra work

  • Working on initial subtask for building out HDFS

  • Continue fleshing out stories to facilitate forecasting

Scraper hub

  • In talks with representatives around engineering, non profit perks

  • Following up with Dave around domain transfer


  • Rolling out our own crypto could potentially be useful

    • Use cases include security, tracking

  • Possibly reward contributors

  • Possibly professionally motivate

  • Shouldn’t raise the bar of participation

  • Crypto contracts to automate transactions with volunteers

Action items
