2021-02-10 Leadership Cadence Notes
10 Feb 2021
Chugging along infra
Scraper hub info
Discussion topics
Registered Agent
Still pending some paperwork on Rob Brand’s end
Rob is waiting on …
Trademark logos
Still pending on Paul, Eddie to follow up
Fundraising on website + finances
Add additional account holders to Paypal account
Haven’t gotten responses from Kristin nor initial donor
Will be working with garnering some donations
Get resources from contacts, LinkedIn
Non-profits that help other non-profits
As soon as we get non-profit status, donations tax-deductibility can potentially be backfilled. Need additional research to look into the details
Paypal can autogenerate receipts
Website copy
Working through copy
Infra work
Working on initial subtask for building out HDFS
Continue fleshing out stories to facilitate forecasting
Scraper hub
In talks with representatives around engineering, non profit perks
Following up with Dave around domain transfer
Rolling out our own crypto could potentially be useful
Use cases include security, tracking
Possibly reward contributors
Possibly professionally motivate
Shouldn’t raise the bar of participation
Crypto contracts to automate transactions with volunteers
Action items
Reach out to IBM about blockchain implementation/technologies and look at other blockchain providers Alec Akin (Unlicensed)
Eddie Brown (Unlicensed) to work on blockchain market surveys
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