2020-10-21 Leadership Cadence
21 Oct 2020
Come up with a few tasks to focus on for Technical Working Session
Discussion topics
Slack Standup
Doesn’t really get used. Should we turn it off? Change the frequency?
Board membership filing
Paperwork around incorporation was handed over to A&P last week
Though the incorporation and nonprofit application are serial, it's assumed that A&P is working on both in parallel
We wanted to get minimum number of folks to get simple majority
As soon as incorporation happens we can adjust the board membership as we see fit
Current positions:
President - Kristin
Chair - Eddie
Treasurer - Alec
Secretary - Josh
Splunk is an incredible initial solution for aggregating the data
Helps us make informed analysis on the data that we have
Helps us visualize raw trends
Provides marketing real estate for the work we’re doing; a lot of the work we’ve been doing so far isn’t particularly “visual”, so this bridges the visual gap
Minimal constraints around uploading the data for free
First Splunk meeting went well. We’ll need to address a few questions around the technical aspects of the partnership
Self hosting or cloud?
What does the payment plan need to look like?
Cloud storage
Higher data velocities
Any computation
Self hosting would be enterprise with a 10 GB limit
We’re currently using their cloud for free, just a few limitations around how much/often data can be uploaded
Given our needs and in terms of the offerings, what would be best for us?
Data transformation offerings/advice for incongruent field values
Questions around limitations on users/licenses/credentials
Next meeting this Friday at 2:30 PM CDT
Goal of one visual product with caption per week?
It’s incredibly important to show the measure of our work, even in bits and pieces, to the public at large
Assign newsletter chunks
Did not get a chance to talk about this at length
Open-Source CRM?
We wanted to spin up some sort of CRM to help the internal comms team
We’ll de-prioritize this (but ultimately leave it to the team on what they want to do)
Reaching out to Dave but we’ll touch base with Richard and strap down a plan on how to move forward
Action items
Zach Goulson Check in with Daniel Melles (Unlicensed)22 Oct 2020
Develop more Splunk visualizations/dashboards
Zach Goulson to shorten Standup 27 Oct 2020
Adjust the weekly slack bot to use a single question to query for topics to talk about for the cadence
Open-Source CRM not a current priority
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