2020-11-18 Leadership Cadence


18 Nov 2020



  • Compare/contrast alternatives to splunk

  • High level picture conversation of how splunk/alternative fits in actual MVP

Discussion topics




Splunk alternative - ELK stack

ELK (Elasticsearch, Logstash, Kibana)

  • Open source, free

  • Wealth of information for reference

Neither ELK nor splunk do particularly well with long term data storage; will still need some form of data lake solution

We’ve been considering splunk as a springboard in order to transition into something more flexible and maintainable.

Splunk resolves:

  • Immediacy

  • Security

  • Outsource maintenance and high availability for the most part


  • Still working with A&P to continue process

  • Once we’re unblocked, where does the money need to go?

    • Splunk

    • ???

Interim work

  • Alec has a small, personal Splunk instance we can work off of as we wait for incorp/501c3

  • Could be a good time to spike out some learnings for outstanding problems whether we use splunk or not (long term data storage, exposing API for public use, determine how to validate data integrity, serving up data back to the public for free)

Accuracy of PDAP data arch diagram and data ingestion diagram

Action items


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