October 17, 2023
Context: We're professionalizing our front end: design system, component library, tailwindUI.
what's the vision for how our front end should be structured relative to our API and users? (capturing tasks / ideas)
what's been done so far?
what's up next?
are there open questions?
dev environment: branch in github auto-deploying
has its own environment variables
def FE → dev API
set a standard for secrets / environments
as needed access
don't expose tokens in the front end / repos
JWT validated by the API against a secret key in DO
refresh tokens prevent access
token ⭤ user ID pair
what about public front end views (no auth)?
API can use permissions to prevent access/action (roles)
the FE client can use its own
tokenlogged in user credentials would override
tokenlocal, dev, prod all use same methodology
consider an isolated back end service for users/OAuth
better security, separation of concerns
let's not use Supabase auth to database, it should be the API
To Do
Last updated
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