
Base URL


The PDAP API is how internal and external users programmatically access information and make changes to the PDAP Data Sources database.

Get access

Reach out to or make noise in Discord if you'd like access to the API.


API routes that read and modify the Data Sources database should be protected through authentication. The API has an @api_required decorator (located in /middleware/ that can be added to each route so that only authenticated users can access the database. To protect a route with this decorator, add @api_required on the line above a given route.

@api_required decorator

The @api_required decorator requires a request header to include an Authorization key with the value formatted as Bearer [jwt_token]. The api_required function parses the request header, decodes and extracts the API key, and checks to see if the api_key is defined. If it isn’t, it’ll return a message requesting an API key.

Validating the API key

If there is an API key, it’s passed to the is_valid function. This function connects to the Data Source database’s users table and finds the user in the table with the matching API key. The function then checks that a valid user was returned from the database. If not, the function returns False to api_required, which sends a response stating that the API key was invalid.

Rate limits

The rate limit for querying the database currently maxes out at 3000 rows, which is larger than the row count of any table in the database right now.


Quick Search Data Sources

import requests
base_url = ""
search_term = "review"  # Replace with your search term
location = "Pittsburgh"   # Replace with your desired location
api_key = "YOUR_API_KEY_HERE"  # Replace with your actual API key

url = f"{base_url}quick-search/{search_term}/{location}"

# Create the Authorization header
headers = {
    "Authorization": f"Bearer {api_key}"

# Make the GET request with the Authorization header
response = requests.get(url, headers=headers)

GET Agencies

import requests
base_url = ""
api_key = "YOUR_API_KEY_HERE"  # Replace with your actual API key

url = f"{base_url}agencies"

# Create the Authorization header
headers = {
    "Authorization": f"Bearer {api_key}"

# Make the GET request with the Authorization header
response = requests.get(url, headers=headers)

Last updated