2021-02-03 Leadership Cadence Notes


03 Feb 2021



  • Change of Registered Agent

  • Google Workspace invoices

Discussion topics




Workspace invoices

Registered Agent

  • Pending some paperwork on Rob Brand’s end

Trademark logos

  • Still waiting on Paul

Fundraising on website

  • Paypal seems simplest; we’re considering costs and work needed to drop the button on the site

  • Reach out to Kristin to see what the social media blitz will look like and prep for it

Website copy

  • Check over the site and determine what needs to stay in/drop from the site

Infra work

  • Still working on skilling up, will be using some available, free resources to figure out how to deploy all this stuff

Law data ecosystem (like case data, data consumed by law firms )

  • Existing data providers have a couple of standard sources they pull their data from, aggregate it and resell it

  • Will generally source and buy data instead of scraping it themselves; there’s no guarantee of thoroughness

    • We could eventually be those people they buy data from; just a thought, we’ll put a pin on it

Generate milestones

  • What do we have left to get “started”?

    • We’re generally great to go as an initial push but it’s not scalable

  • We need a list from business, product, and tech

Action items
