Data Sources App
Our database makes it easier to find existing data, enhancing our ability to answer questions and complete research projects about police systems. Ask a question → search for data → analyze and report.
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Quick search tips
The most basic way to find what you need in our database is to search our simple form: what
are you looking for, from where
Use generic search terms. We track places on the internet where data is found, not individual records. If you want to find a police record of a bike accident on Telegraph Avenue in Oakland, CA, you might want to start by searching for
, notbicycle accident
at1234 Rogers St
.Expect missing data. Most of our data is passively collected based on the needs and interests of our users. If you're looking for a specific record from a small town, we probably don't have it. Make a request and we'll help you out!
Use "all" or state names to broaden your search. We might have what you're looking for by a different name, or in a different region.
Use the Record Types taxonomy to understand how we categorize things.
Last updated